Thursday, October 1, 2009


He said a hello and I knew I was smitten by love....he wrote a mail which was not even meant for me and I knew I had had fallen in love

Language tricks me...yes it does....I find myself gasping for the most appropriate words sometimes...I keep thinking about these very elusive appropriate words if these words could describe all that I wanted to express...

Stream of consciousness... how appropriately it suits my writing style these days...random thoughts keep hitting the ocean floor....and each of these thoughts are linked to one another...a web of thoughts with a glassy surface, smooth and silky ...water trickles down drop by drop...and there is the Pandora box...

I feel so drunk....oh yeah I do....intoxicated with opium or is it love ...or is it with that throbbing pain somewhere...and with my sleepy eyes, I stare at the mundane world these thoughts just pass by...and then I realise ... gravity is probably the most tangible entity on this earth...and as I try to sleep, denying all that appears to be real...I know for sure that deep within I have constructed my own little world.....

Yes I have closed my eyes for once...let that pain sink in for God sake ... Oh! You want to know what pain...none of your business I say... and as these thoughts just meanders along...the ocean waits....

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